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Your Data

The Royal Manor Theatre needs to gather and use certain information about individuals to help us keep in touch with individuals who wish to know about our events, and members to ensure that they are covered as part of our Insurance liabilities.

This document describes how we handle your data, and why we need it.

Why this policy exists

This data protection policy ensures Royal Manor Theatre:

  • Complies with data protection law and follow good practice

  • Protects the rights of staff, customers and partners

  • Is open about how it stores and processes individuals’ data

  • Protects itself from the risks of a data breach

Data protection law

The Data Protection Act 1998 describes how organisations — including The Royal Manor Theatre — must collect, handle and store personal information.

These rules apply regardless of whether data is stored electronically, on paper or on other materials.

To comply with the law, personal information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed unlawfully.

The Data Protection Act is underpinned by eight important principles. These say that personal data must:

  1. Be processed fairly and lawfully

  2. Be obtained only for specific, lawful purposes

  3. Be adequate, relevant and not excessive

  4. Be accurate and kept up to date

  5. Not be held for any longer than necessary

  6. Processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects

  7. Be protected in appropriate ways

  8. Not be transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA), unless that country or territory also ensures an adequate level of protection

What data we store

We store the following data on individuals

  • Email subscription list (via Mailchimp)

  • Historical Booking Information (via TicketSource)

  • Membership details

  • Patron details

We use this data on a pure communication basis, to help us run the Theatre effectively and ensure those who have asked to know about the theatre are kept up to date.

Historical booking data allows us to plan future productions and ensure that we put on productions that you all love.

Membership Data  and Patron Data is kept to allow us to ensure that members who partake in Theatre activities are fully covered by our insurance when on the premises.

How we store the data

We are currently moving away from paper records, but some of your data may exist in both digital and paper formats. These are kept secure and are only accessible by relevant members of the Theatre group.

If you wish to request details of what data we store on you, or wish for us to remove your data, please email

General enquiries     01305 860792

Box office                   03336 663366

Royal Manor Theatre - 138A Fortuneswell, Portland,Dorset, DT5 1LT

The Royal Manor Theatre Company is a registered charity - number 284623

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