Thanks to all the members who came along to the TFG this year. We had a great time learning some basic acting techniques, script reading and writing, film making and Lighting.
Firstly, we had a review of Health and Safety, which is perhaps the most important aspect of being involved with theatre productions, keeping safe. There is a lot of high voltage equipment as well as large pieces of scenery and some closed spaces that everyone needs to be aware of to keep safe.

In week two we jumped into script reading and writing, and looked at a Red Dwarf script, specifically made to be shot as a stage play, Marooned.
For week three, we filmed a short script between two people to show how effective a shot-counter shot can be when relating a conversation to film.

Then on week four we went up to the gallery to look at lighting and controlling the lighting on stage.

Videos on Lighting - Lighting in Theatre - Tech Theatre - Lighting Chamsys Video Tutorials - Tutorial One - Tutorial Two - Tutorial Three Lighting Glossary
We started out on a Monday this year, but we'll be moving to a Tuesday in 2019, to avoid clashing with other established activities in the area.
So drop in, starting 8th January 2019, get involved, meet new people and learn some new skills.